I needed a demonstration for my Honours Project, I also needed an AI coursework and the 11th Ludum Dare 48 Challenge was just coming up!
I thought I’d attempt to do all three at once, because I was a bit mad like that.
The result was GEvOlve… meant to be a bit of an AI simulator where you couldn’t directly control your race of shapes, but could influence their jobs – Healer, Attacker, Defender, Breeder.
Unfortunately, the engine needed a lot more work than I expected, and adding in an OpenGL Render Path during the 48 hours on top of the game mechanics was probably not the wisest of decisions.
I eventually gave up when while trying to get QEMU to boot Windows XP for testing, it hard-locked the machine and I just felt too beaten to finish.
Full Source is available as part of the ludumdare github repo
SGZEngine with CodeBlocks as usual.
GIMP for bits of graphics.
I actually got a fairly decent grade for the AI coursework. Though in terms of LD11, I didn’t finish unfortunately…