siteENGiNE was the successor to stuckiePORTAL.
It was meant to be run standalone as well as interface with forum systems easily to share user information.
The engine was written in a mostly modular format so that extending it is fairly straight forward, to enable bridging it to any forum system quickly.
While a lot of code is shared with stuckiePORTAL, siteENGiNE was to go beyond by adding in support for user-generated content such as Blogs, Profiles and Spaces.
It was however, in development hell.. only two sites ran it – the previous stuckieGAMEZ and MCRadio – and a great deal of work still needs to be done before any form of public release can be made… which isn’t likely to happen.
For example, moving blocks around still requires manually setting them through a MySQL tool!
As such, MCRadio may even move to something else that’s actually maintainable, and siteENGiNE will be finally out of commission.